Thursday, 15 May 2014

Mocking and Unit Testing

In object-oriented programming, mock objects mimic the behavior of real objects. A programmer can typically create a mock object to test the behavior of a real object.  It is useful when a real object is impractical or impossible to incorporate into a unit test.
  • supplies non-deterministic results (e.g. temperature);
  • has states difficult to reproduce (e.g., a network error);
  • is slow (e.g., a complete database, which will need to be initialized before the test);
  • does not yet exist or can change how it react;
  • would need to be included exclusively for testing purposes (and not for its actual task).
In this post we are going to take a look at how to replace a DbContext based data access layer with a fake in-memory location for unit testing.
I’m going to use a simple Console application as an example.
1.      Create a table with two fields “Name” and “Number”
2.      Open SQL Server Management Studio
3.      Right Click Databases and chose new Database

4.      Give the database name as PhoneDirectory and click ok
5.     Right click the table folder and click New Table

6.      Insert three fields , ID, Name and Number
7.      The ID field is the primary key,  not null , type int and IsIdentity, and the other two files Name and Number are VARCHAR(MAX)

8.      Save the table name it PhoneNumbers and click ok
9.      Now Open Visual Studio and click New Project
10.  Close Windows – ConsoleApplication and click ok

11.  Give the name of the Application as PhoneDirectoryApp click ok
12.  Right Click the PhoneDirectoryApp and click Add New Item  
13.  Now Select ADO.NET Entity Data Model

14.  Give the name as PhoneDirectoryModel and click Add
15.  Choose EF Designer from Database and click Next

16.  Click NewConnection
17.  Now type the server name and select the PhoneDirectory database from the list, and click ok. I have used Windows Authentication for this sample.

18.  Click next , choose Entity Framework 6

19.  Select Tables and Finish

20.  Open program.cs file and paste the following coding

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Data.Entity;

namespace PhoneDirectoryApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string name;
            string number;
            Console.WriteLine("Enter your name:");
            name = Console.ReadLine();
            // My Entity Container is called PhoneDirectoryEntities and FindPhoneNumber is the class which has the method LoookupNumber

            FindPhoneNumber find = new FindPhoneNumber(new PhoneDirectoryEntities());

            // The LookupNumber function returns the number for the given name
            number = find.LookupNumber(name);
            Console.WriteLine("The Phone number of "+ name + " is " + number);


21.  Right click PhoneDirectoryApp and click Add – New Class and name it FindPhoneNumber and click Add

22.  Paste the following code inside FindPhoneNumber.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace PhoneDirectoryApp
    public class FindPhoneNumber
        // PhoneDirectoryEntities is my entity container name
        private PhoneDirectoryEntities _context;

        public FindPhoneNumber(PhoneDirectoryEntities context)

            _context = context;

        // method which returns the number for the passed name
        public string LookupNumber(string userName)
            var query = (from a in _context.PhoneNumbers
                         where a.Name == userName
                         select a).FirstOrDefault();
            return query.Number;
23.  Go back to SQL Server Management studio and enter some values for the rows of the table created by right clicking the table name and selection edit top 200 rows

24.   Save the table and exit SQL Management Studio
25.  Now Execute the Visual studio project by pressing Control + F5
26.  When you enter a name the corresponding number will be displayed.

27.  Now we know the application is working; now we shall mock test the application. In reality it is best to write the test before developing the actual coding.
28.  Right click the solution and Add new Project and give it the name MoqUnitTest and click ok.

29.  Paste the following code in the UnitTest1.cs file

using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Linq;
using Moq;
using PhoneDirectoryApp;

namespace MoqUnitTest
    public class UnitTest1
        public void TestMethod1()
            //PhoneNumber is the name of my table which stores name and phone numbers

            var data = new List<PhoneNumber>
                new PhoneNumber {Name = "Ani",Number="123" },
                new PhoneNumber { Name = "Kevin",Number="1234"  }              

            //Arrange pass the database set to The Mock Database Table
            var mockSet = new Mock<DbSet<PhoneNumber>>();
            mockSet.As<IQueryable<PhoneNumber>>().Setup(m => m.Provider)
            mockSet.As<IQueryable<PhoneNumber>>().Setup(m => m.Expression)
            mockSet.As<IQueryable<PhoneNumber>>().Setup(m => m.ElementType)
            mockSet.As<IQueryable<PhoneNumber>>().Setup(m => m.GetEnumerator())

            var mockContext = new Mock<PhoneDirectoryEntities>();
            mockContext.Setup(c => c.PhoneNumbers).Returns(mockSet.Object);

            //Act Pass the mocked objects to the class FindPhoneNumbeR
            FindPhoneNumber find = new FindPhoneNumber(mockContext.Object);

            //Assert Find if the number returned for each person is the expected value
            Assert.AreEqual("123", find.LookupNumber("Ani"));
            Assert.AreEqual("1234", find.LookupNumber("Kevin"));

30.  Moq and Entity Framework needs to be referenced using the following steps.

31.  Install Entity Framework via Nuget for the test project

32.  Now you need to install Moq via Manage NuGet Package for Solution

33.  Click Install Moq: an enjoyable mocking Library , then ok

34.  You will also need to Right click Reference of the Unit test project to Browse add a reference to PhoneDirectoryApp

35.  Now run the test through the Microsoft test explorer

This application may be downloaded from

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